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[E] Mexi__
[E] Mexi__
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over 9 years ago
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over 9 years ago
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i wil never yous Xray again because the was bad move bye my part, i It was a bad move on my part, and i regret it badly. and i promise i will never ever use it again.
over 9 years ago
i wil never yous Xray again because the was bad move bye my part, i It was a bad move on my part, and i regret it badly. and i promise i will never ever use it again.
over 9 years ago
============= Username: Mexi__ When you were banned : 25:07.2015 Person who banned you: nova Reason you were banned: Xray ============= i have a friend in my house and he show me how to use xray and sow i get banned on this server me and my another friend Matsplayz have build a town in the jungle and i was on the toilet he playd and sow i want banned from the server and he going home i starting cring becouse i was banned and i love this server sow much
over 9 years ago
But can i plizzz be unbanned from the server i love the server. i promis not hack again
over 9 years ago
============= Username: Mexi__ When you were banned : 25:07.2015 Person who banned you: Leron Reason you were banned: Xray ============= i have a friend in my house and he show me how to use xray and sow i get banned on this server me and my another friend Matsplayz have build a town in the jungle and i was on the toilet he playd and sow i want banned from the server and he going home i starting cring becouse i was banned and i love this server sow much
over 9 years ago